Well I think that's it for me...

Kristyn • 3 years TTC • One angel👼 #1 due Jan 2021🌈

I can't do this anymore. Add me to the list of ladies who just said fuck it and cant try anymore. I'm on my 4th cycle of letrozole and supposed to ovulate soon but my temperatures have been all over the damn place and now they're just going down down down and I don't know what the hell is going on with my body. No positive OPK when previous months I had one by now. Plus my husband and I have only had sex 3 days in a row and hes already complaining hes too tired.

TTC has completely destroyed me. All I want to do is sleep. I dont want to work or talk to people or do anything. I just want my baby.

I think its time for me to just accept the fact that it probably won't happen for me and move on with my life.

Probably going to be deleting this app. Best of luck to anyone else going through this. I hope it's less hellish for you than it has been for me.