False bfp on equate pt

Stephanie • 4+1 more= a full house. Family of 7 in the making!
Last month I was so excited when I saw two lines on two different tests from Wal-Mart. Clear as day bfp within 5 minutes. The evil witch showed, not only that but 3 days early. I called the number on the side of the box and the company is sending me a $10 gift card. I thought that was pretty great of them. Yes, I understand it could have been a chemical but with the bad reps of all blue dye tests I decided to call anyways. I wish all company's made just pink dye. There would be way less false hope for a lot of us women. Just thought I'd share my story in the event something similar happens to you. I can't speak for all stores but equate was right on there game. The reason I'm positing in this group is because I see a lot of blue dye tests and I'd hate to see someone else get all excited the way I was just to be crushed later. My advice would be never buy blue dye tests, pink dye all the way. Baby dust to all you ladies