Pre-conception checklist: complete?

Sarah • Married to the love of my life 11/18/2018 👰🤵 | Brenwyn Elizabeth born 08/27/2020 👧| Cookie Monster due 12/19/2023 🤰

My husband and I agreed before we got married last November that we’d begin the TTC process in April or thereabouts. However, my parents, who live halfway across the country from us, decided to hold a huge family party in June. We decided that while we’re at it, we’ll fly the rest of the way to the West Coast after the party to do a wine country tour in California. I wavered about putting off TTC since I’m 37, but I decided I’m fine with trying in June instead of April. In the meantime, I’ve been tracking my periods and ovulation and doing all the research I can about optimizing the TTC process. I’ve compiled a list of all the major pre-TTC steps my sources agree a woman should do, as follows:

1. Take prenatal vitamins, CoQ10, and primrose oil (doing)

2. Discuss antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication with psychiatrist (done; he says all 3 of my meds are safe for pregnancy)

3. Discuss medications and immunization records with GP (appointment scheduled for next week)

4. Visit OB/GYN (appointment scheduled)

5. Visit dentist (need to schedule)

6. Track cycle using BBT, cervical fluid and position, and OPKs (doing)

Since I’ve never done this before, it’s possible I’m missing a thing or two here. Any suggestions and/or recommendations from the ladies who have already been through this process?