I am so lost:(

I just got married in June to who i thought was my all. What my point is I had a bad past with my ex who i was with for 5 years the last year me and him were doing drugs and cocain, he abused me as well, i finally became strong enough and i left. Then i met my husband he was in the Army, and  he was so great to me, we got married this year in June, became pregnant the next month, i noticed once we got married he likes to drink a lot, and take his sleeping pills because he cannot sleep but he over uses them. I hate it, i hate seeing him drink because my ex did it, and see him over use his sleeping pills. Well we just moved to Ga and my mom gave him some Ambien which he usually takes to sleep, well we are suppose to go for a trip tommrow and se gave him extra to sleep. Well he took two already and is already high off it, and he gets up and sneaks off to the bathroom i get this odd feeling. I walk in the bathroom and he had crushed up idk how many pills maybe two and made a line to snort them. Rigt now i am beyond pissed off and sad, i am over this! It brings up my past and he knows
It and he sitting here snorting pills. 
Idk what to do anymore, i want a divorce i am 14 weeks pregnant i do not want my child
Around this:/ but i know my life will be  harder without his support because i am not working right now. I plan on going to school, it
Is just going to be so rough:( i want to cry. :/