Pregnant? Help!


Hey ladies! Was wondering for those who are pregnant and have experienced heartburn, how soon did you get it? I got a positive opk on

the 29 and have been BD from the 27-2. My menstrual is due on the 13th of this month and ever since Wednesday I’ve been having heartburn all day everyday and also have weird feelings in my stomach I would guess the word for it would be a twinge feeling but it’s more like a little pull almost like my muscles tightening up from holding my stomach in is how I can explain it but it’s been all day. Also little sharp pokes here and there.My sleeping schedule is totally out of wack but I’ve been sleeping day literally! I had actual cramps on Monday and Tuesday! Could I be pregnant? Is this similar to anything you may have experienced? Ladies please comment and give me some feedback my fiancé and I really tried this time around !