Would you be annoyed??


So we had a baby 2.5 weeks ago. My husband owns his own business so he had to go back to work pretty much as soon as we got home.

So he goes to work all day, and comes home pretty late— around 7:30 or 8pm even.

Today, he had to travel 1.5 hours to his other office in another city. Okay, no big deal. But when I called him to see when he’d be back, he said he was going to watch some Netflix and then head home. Frustrated, I said “okay see you then”.

He calls me when he is leaving the second office, around 8, which would put him back home around 9:30pm. It’s now 11pm and he isn’t home. His phone was either off or dead when I tried to call earlier to see where he was. Turns out, he stopped at his buddies house.

I’m annoyed, because I’ve been stranded at home all day with a 2.5 week old by myself, and he is just out and about doing whatever he wants.