Moving on after losing my twins


I just had my second miscarriage in 8 months. This time it was identical twins. I thought were going well until I had my scan Thursday which showed an empty dac. I had w D&C Friday. They are running tests on the foetus and doing blood work on me. I have to wait 6 weeks for the results.

I don't know how to move on and why this happened. I had so much joy, happiness and excitement and plans for my babies. I would give anything to have them back.

I have no answers or understanding. I do know God has a better plan but I'm dieing inside. I just want a family of my own. I don't know what the results will show or if I will ever carry a baby to term.

I'm angry and hurt because so many people don't care about their children or harm them.

I just want to try again but now I have to wait. I pray that one day we will have a family and somehow I can accept and move on. I hope to see my 3 angels one day.

I don't wish this loss and pain on anyone and pray God guides you all through your pregnancy.