Any 34 weekers out there? Looking for experiences!

Cole • Ari 🧒 #2 on the way 🤰

So I started having some preterm labour and have been in the hospital for like 3 days so far. They gave me medicine to slow labour so they could give the shots to help baby's lungs. They called it a 48 hour protocol and I'm done the 48 hours now so we're just waiting to see what baby decides to do. I was dilated around 2cm yesterday and they have checked since because they don't want to disrupt my cervix anymore right now. Basically, they've done what they can to help baby and I'm 34 weeks today so there's nothing more to do but wait!

I have a consult tomorrow with the fetal medicine specialist to get a better idea of what's going on, but in the meantime I just wondered if anyone had any experiences to share of preemies around this age! He's measuring really well, they said about 5lbs 10oz so they seemed happy about that!