Question for the ladies that take vitex?

Alexandrea • Anastasia 10/30/2015👶🏻 My Lovely Husband 3/24/2017👫💑 Baby #2 2019👶🏻

January 1 I started taking Vitax and until I had my appointment with my OB/GYN which was January 8. I told her that I was taking vitex, She tells me that I need to stop taking it because it’s not blah blah blah approved by whatever she was talking about, so I did, I stopped taking it about a week and a half maybe two weeks later I actually ovulated on my own and I was trying for a year and half with out ovulating. I got pregnant with the first try of vitex of only taking January 1 through January 8, than stopped. Ovulated on January 23, got my BFP on February 1. February 28 I had my ultrasound done and baby was measuring six weeks and one day with the heartbeat of 110, I go to my prenatal appointment March 14 Doctor said everything looked great and everything‘s in perfect condition baby looks great perfect heartbeat she didn’t see anything that would go wrong, well Wednesday I was supposed to be 11 weeks and I started bleeding I go into the emergency room and they did an ultrasound and baby was only measuring six weeks and a few days. Baby has been dead inside me for almost 6 weeks and I have a D&C Monday and I was wondering if the Vitax had something to do with my miscarriage even though I had stopped vitex way before I even ovulated?

I would like to give it a try again but I’m not sure how to exactly use Vitax? I don’t know if I should just use it all the way until ovulation day or when I find out I’m pregnant or go all the way through first trimester?