Rant for irregular cycles


So I just have to rant cause my period brain is emotional and angry. I use to have a regular period to the T.. well the past 3-4 months it started being 4 days late which was bad enough and now this month I was a whole 8 days late! But I got my period today while I was at the gym 🙄 thankfully I wore black. And I just don’t understand why woman have to endure so much craziness. I thought for a few days I was pregnant cause my period was so off and so having those thoughts and preparing yourself for that outcome or even worse having some kind of medical problem and then bam my period hits me like a ton of bricks. But I just wanted to let anyone know who is reading this and relating to it that you’re not alone and I’m sitting here just as emotional and crazed and sad and in pain. Being a woman is tough but we are so strong for all we endure ❤️