Missed period

So I was supposed to get my period last week and on Tuesday (March 26) me and my bf had sex without a condom, we are almost positive that he didn’t cum inside of me but aren’t 100%. The next day I had some discharge mixed with some old blood , slight cramping and bloating so I figured my period was coming since it should have been, but then on Thursday it completely went away. I didn’t bleed or anything and my periods are always VERY heavy and always on time. I took two pregnancy tests just to be safe (one Friday afternoon and one Saturday morning) which both came out negative and I still have no sign of my period. I’m just looking for a possible explanation as to why it went away/ didn’t come or if I should go get tested again in a drs office?

(I’m also on the pill and have been since late July but it’s fine nothing for my period so fourth)