2 Trips to L&D

Kirsten • Pisces. Dreamer. Free Spirit.
I was contracting Sunday and Monday irregularly all day long. Monday I was miserable because they were all in the back of my tailbone. I finally got to a point last night around 7 that I was in tears and wanted to go get checked at the least. SO drove us up there, and when they checked I was about 50% thinned and 3cm. They had us walking the halls and my contractions were between 2-4 minutes consistently. But once I sat back in bed they spread to about 10-15 minutes but still super painful! They gave me a hint of ambien and sent us home. Said to come back if I need to. I got home, ate soup, attempted to get into bed with still consecutively strong contractions that started again at 2 minutes apart. The ambien was supposed to help me sleep through but it didn't and I was in so much pain I was nearly crying. SO called hospital back and told them, I even vomited, my bloody show was much more intense etc. Came back and checked again, and I was a 5! They had me checked in, they also got me a little bit of morphine, and a touch of zofran to help with the pain. Even though I wanted to go natural,'I didn't feel I could deal with much more pain and opted for the epidural. What a lifesaver! I was able to sleep, I feel so much more comfortable, and I held out until I had reached 7cm so I was proud. Anyways, they say I'm progressing nicely...broke my water a little over an ago. So ready to meet our Aurora!