Just to need to rant a little

My bf took his time from about 10:30 pm to what is now 4:30 am to play a game (APEX) and skipped a shower earlier today. The PS4 is in the bedroom of the apartment, meaning I wasn't really getting sleep either. At first I was watching the game and asking questions. I like playing games occasionally too, so why not?

But he then tried to politely shut me up by saying, "baby, I don't need constant commentary"

Though it was occasional questions and reading from the screen. I'm guessing he was frustrated bc his teams were losing somewhat often, so I pushed it aside.

Anyway, the frustration, I fell asleep around 3ish, kind of waiting for him to wrap it up, take a shower, and come to bed.

Well, I was woken up at 4 to him laying next to me, a different position so he could continue playing. I looked at him and tried to nicely put, "hey take a break and go take care of yourself. Take a shower."

I have to be honest, he needs it.

Instead, he continues to play until I mention again, saying it is really late/early and we have shit to do for college.

He gets frustrated, saying that he will sleep in a chair we have in the bedroom since "he stinks" (which I never said directly, just hey go get a shower) and that he will take a shower when he wakes up.

He turned off the game. I apologized, I don't mean to sound rude...I just want him to take care of himself and come to bed. We share the space anyway.

Instead, he is now laying in the chair...not asleep, no...he's playing games and watching videos. He probably will until 6...when all he could do is take a 15 minute shower and come to bed.

I'm just annoyed at this point. He literally could just suck it up and clean himself. He will probably sleep until 12 or 1 too, which makes the whole situation even more frustrating, knowing we have stuff that has to be done tomorrow.

I don't know. Any ladies have similar situations?