Twin suspicions?

So... I conceived the second I went off birth control. Got a bfp two days (12dpo and 3/4 before expected period) in a row (nice and solid thank You God!)
Could def feel implantation about 8dpo. Just had some intense cramping (not quite menstrual) for about two days.
About three days before I tested I started to have that weird heightened sense/awareness. Was speaking with my husband, said I was feeling weird, and he asked what was up and I just said instinctively and confidently "I'm just pregnant" he said "I hope so!" And I said, "it's twins"
This is my second pregnancy and I'm well aware that early pregnancy symptoms are mostly symptom spotting... 
But as of yesterday I have to pee CONSTANTLY. Every 45 minutes.
I'm also SO out of breath. I'm fit and walk everywhere, but it's hard for me to have a conversation and walk! A few days before my test I mentioned it to my husband when I was just laying down in bed talking to him. I feel like my heart is beating faster than normal and I dont drink caffeine!
My uterus also feels so heavy and if I twitch or twist I get a round ligament pain. Maybe I'm just aware because I've seen the bfp?
I know, I know. I won't know until I get the ultrasound done. I just had to get it off my chest!