Birth control

I took birth control for almost 2 years and quit taking it. My SO and I don’t care if we have a kid, or if we don’t. But next month we are going to an amusement park and a wedding with my parents. I really don’t want to get pregnant this month especially but now I feel like I will lol. I ovulate in 9 days. My period is suppose to start the 31st and end the 4th. I’m afraid if I start a birth control pack, that it will throw my period off and start on my vacation. (May 8th-12th) I hate to have a period during a vacation! & I was gonna at least think about trying birth control again for a little while until we have everything figured out & money saved back before we actually start trying.

He knows how I feel about this and a few minutes ago. We had sex and he came inside me after he said he was gonna pull out, because he didn’t want to use a condom 🙄 and he acted like it wasn’t a big deal when he knows how i feel about everything right now We agreed we would go to a cabin in the next state over for a few days & do stuff in that town and just do something like that if I did end up pregnant.

So I was gonna get my prescription of BC tomorrow if they have it. & start taking it. I’m just trying to figure out what to do if my period was messed up when I start taking them again for the first month

Someone help maybe ?? Idk if some of that stuff even made sense