12 weeks pregnant !

Stephanie • Mommy to Leilani 🤱 20 💑 proud latina 🇲🇽 Bay Area

So my hubby and I had our daughter in October of 2017 and just last week I had a doctors appointment and found out we’re expecting #2 for October 2019 ! Honestly at first we were shocked because we weren’t planning on having another one any time soon we had decided we weren’t ready but everything happens for a reason. I had missed my period for 2 months in a row but I’ve been super irregular ever since I had my daughter I’ve gone up to 3 months with no period so I wasn’t really expecting to be pregnant but then again I knew it was a possibility since I wasn’t on birth control. Anyways we haven’t told our families yet we will soon but I just wanted to share our news and if anyone has any advice for having a newborn and a toddler at the same time please share it ! The only thing I’ve thought of so far is getting a double stroller but I’m so excited !