No car seat????

Amanda • mommy of a 6 year old princess now expecting a prince💙👶🏽
Am I the only person who gets super pissed when I see babies or children under the age of 6 not in car seat? I live in Florida & I can't tell you how many parents ride around with their babies on their lap or there small toddlers in the back seat with no car seat! I don't care if they give you a hard time about being in it... Your the parent not them... About 4 years ago I'll never forget a story I heard on the news about a mom who put a car seat in the front seat because her 3 month old was crying And drove down the road with the baby not even buckled and someone hit them from behind & the baby flew through the wind shield & didnt make it..... I hope people start realizing the importance of proper car seat safety 😕