Leg Trashing


So we are those parents. The ones who two weeks into life with a newborn broke down and bought a rock n play out of desperation. And then just got so used to the sleep it allowed, we let it go too long.

In her rock and play, our daughter will easily sleep 5-7 hour chunks. In her bassinet, we are lucky if she sleeps in one hour chunks. But she’s getting too strong and mobile to be in the rock and play anymore.

But the hardest part is that she can be sound asleep, laying flat in our bed next to me but as soon as I move her to her bassinet, she starts thrashing all over the place. Kicking her legs against the sides, throwing them up to the top, and thrashing her head to the point she’s rubbed off all her hair on the back.

I’m not sleeping because she’s so loud and fussy. She’s sleeping but it can’t possibly be good sleep with all that movement. And usually this is what wakes her up, not that she’s hungry. Because I can pick her up, and within minutes of laying her down by me she’s back asleep.

I’m going insane. Please tell me I’m not the only one whose kid does this. Any tricks to get her more comfortable laying flat on her back? I’m starting to feel like we are never going to transistion to the crib in her room at this rate.