Is a doctor allowed to tell a patient to, “wait until your married to have kids”?


So I have a doctor I started seeing last month about why my periods are so irregular. I have a family history with My mother having mild PCOS and my grandma and great grandma having endometriosis (all on my mom’s side, unsure about dad’s side). My fiancé and I are trying for a baby and I made her aware of this SEVERAL times throughout the appointment. She kept telling me I should “wait until I’m married,” and kept pushing birth control. I told her multiple times that I did not what birth control of any kind. So she got my family history written down and before she left told me to “think of a birth control method I’d like to try and use condoms until I’m on it.” BITCH I JUST TOLD YOU NO! She ran some blood tests for stuff I’ve been tested for my entire life (diabetes, thyroid issues, etc) and I went to talk to her last week.

She does a pelvic exam and everything checks out. She makes an appointment for an ultrasound to check for cysts on my ovaries and goes to print something out. She comes back with a list of BIRTH CONTROL METHODS!!! She marked the Marina and the Depo. I had the depo shot and it completely fucked up my body. I had pretty normal periods until I got my first one. I don’t like the idea of something plastic being inside my uterus. I looked it over to amuse her and she again asked “what kind?” I again told her I would research them and let them know. They called with some results before my ultrasound appointment this morning and she had her nurse ask me “what kind of birth control do I want to be in.”

I know she was just doing her job so I told her calmly, “I appreciate the results (they gave them to me a few hours after I left and called again a few days later??? 😑) and Dr. Blank’s help but I have no interest of using birth control.” I work at this hospital and have to see this doctor every single day (except my day off) I’m not losing my job to tell her what I truly think of her. What do y’all think?

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