Senior Pranks


Kind of a multipart question so be patient.

Some senniors at Sophie B Wright Junior High School have been (some)expelled, (some) suspended for five days, and banned from all senior activities (prom, walking across the stage, etc) for their senior prank which was a water fight (water guns and water balloons).

The students claimed that the principal knew about the prank and only warned them not to do it inside the school. A couple of the students went rogue and entered the school where a teacher and student was injured (they didn’t specify what type of injury).

One senior said she was crying all day as this was a big accomplishment for her and her mother being the senior is the first graduate high school. (And Many other stories about students working hard being the first in their families to potentially cross the stage.)

*some article snippets


1. Should senior pranks be banned from all school?

2.Was the principal too harsh on her decision?

3.Should the students who weren’t expelled be allowed to walk?

Or overall thoughts and opinions