Kodak Black


This story is from a few days ago but it still keeps coming up on my feed so I thought I’d bring it here to get some views. So I’m sure everyone is aware of Nipsey Hussle passing which has seen millions of people in a state of mourning. A live video was posted on social media the other day of Kodak black saying Lauren London (Nipseys girlfriend/wife) is now a “whole widow”, she’s “single”, he’ll give her a whole year to “cry and shit” and he’ll be the best man he can be for her. Many people (including The Game, T.I, Tank) spoke out against Kodak Black with some radio stations pulling his music from their playlists because of his comments. He posted a video saying his words were misconstrued and then later apologised to Lauren London saying something along the lines of “sorry if you feel I disrespected you . . . Even though I didn’t . . . Rest in peace to dude”. Now a lot of people were appalled with his comments because he was talking about “shooting his shot” at a woman who’s husband hasn’t even been buried yet, whereas others were saying it’s not a big deal he was just saying what everyone else is thinking.

I’m not a fan of Kodak black I’ve never heard his music and don’t follow anything he does but I did see the video and thought it was in bad taste. I also thought the videos he posted addressing it afterward didn’t make him look any better including his “apology”.

Do you think the comments he made were disrespectful and he deserves to be cancelled based on those comments (he has apparently made derogatory comments about black women and allegedly sexually assaulted multiple women so how he’s only being cancelled now I don’t know) or do you think it’s being blown out or proportion and what he said was harmless? Would you feel disrespected if you heard another person talking about you in that way if you had recently lost your life partner?