

Is it just me, or does it seem like every article, website, doctor, midwife, nurse, doula, etc., all give different information regarding contractions and how to tell if you are really in labor?

Here is the most recent example. This morning, I had painful contractions that lasted over an hour without any break in between. I’m 38 & 3. So I woke up my husband, kids & my mom to come get the kids and called my doctor with everything ready to go to the hospital. By this time, they stopped. 🙄 The midwife informed me over the phone that Braxton Hicks can be painful and intense like that. 😳 My doctor told me two weeks ago that I have not been having Braxton Hicks, but rather real contractions (primordial labor) because Braxton Hicks are not painful. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Midwife also said that contractions will have a break in between. Well, with my first child, I had no break in contractions and she knows that.

Obviously, I wasn’t in labor, but what gives with all of the conflicting info????