Initial Consultation (seeking IUI)



Today my wife and I met with a RE for the 1st time. We were very excited and the RE was absolutely amazing and friendly. Our initial consultation was a review of my medical history (most recent pap smear and labs) and a vaginal ultrasound. During the ultrasound, the RE tells me that my uterus looks great... BUT more eggs than typical in each of my ovaries. The RE believes that could have something to do with my bodies insulin levels. He ordered blood test to check thyroid, adrenal glands, and glucose (3 hr test). And also the dreaded HSG (to check for tube blockages) scheduled for cycle day 8.

Follow up on all findings scheduled for 4 weeks! [ oh yeah, and we have to see a psychiatrist for an hour session about "acceptance of donor sperm"]

I am just really overwhelmed, we went in thinking "we have sprem ordered, we are here to meet RE, lets get this party started" now to think that there could be other factors like diabetes or over active thyroid. Definitely ready to get results so we can get a game plan.