I’m so upset!


So I get to labor and delivery, I’m contracting every 2-3 minutes, my contractions are upto a 10 on the monitor, the highest it goes is a 12. They monitor me for 20 minutes, midwife comes in, my contractions are regular, she says they are. I’ve been having contractions since 4am mind you. They don’t stop when walking, they don’t stop with sitting or laying down. They are painful. She checks me. I’m completely closed and not thinned at all. She says they won’t admit me unless me water is broken or leaking, I’m bleeding, or I’m dilated to a 5 or 6. And they don’t plan to induce me unless I’m 41wks 3dys. So I can be contracting like this, without sleep, in pain, for 10 more days before they do anything.