Long night!!

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I live an hour from the hospital spent most of my day fighting with myself on to go in or not finally called the on call nurse and she said yep sounds like labor! So I went in, sure enough having some steady contractions but guess what I’m not dilated 🤦‍♀️ and they won’t induce until 39 weeks won’t medical reason and said they don’t have a medical reason to induce me, even though my doctor and I have already discussed inducing at 39 weeks 🤦‍♀️ so I walked for an hour got checked again and was still 1 cm but the head was a lot lower. They sent me home and said to come back when the contractions are worse and hopefully I’ll be dilated so now the hour drive home! Has been hell roads closed so had to take back roads while contracting every minute it’s seriously painful!!!