Babies and crying

So I’m a FTM and I just don’t quite understand something, I see all my friends who have babies take a soother, my daughter never likes them so we don’t use them. But how I see it as, to keep them from crying right, but babies cry because they have a need, hunger, wet bum, change of activity.. so why stick a soother in babies mouth if the crying can be fixed?

For us, when my daughter cried/cries I changed her bum if wet, I feed her, she’s always liked being upright and walking so we have always walked around a lot. Am I missing something? Is it so they don’t learn to get too attached to mom or dad? Idk I can’t wrap my head around it. I’ve alwaysr tended to her when she cried, I mean I’ve let her cry for a few extra moments if need be, say I’m touching raw meat and have to wash my hands or I’m in the shower covered in conditioner.

Am I just tending too much to her? Is it wrong to do things this way. I don’t want to cause her anxiety when I don’t come right away. Or when we have to leave her with grandparents. I feel like I’m momming wrong. I just have been doing what felt

Natural. And I feel like it’s not ok.

If my daughter cried while she was laying her her activity gym, for example, I’d go pick her up , check for a wet bum, if not I’d give her a change of scene, we’d walk and point and I’d tell her what we were looking at, then I’d try the gym again, if not I’d put her where her scene is different and she’d be ok. If she was non stop crying no matter what I did she was hungry. Now she’s 7 and a half months and I think she’s getting separation anxiety. She doesn’t want to be on the floor, or chair, or jolly jumper or

Exersaucer, not hungry not wet, not gas, o my calm and smiling and giggling when mama is holding her!

Do all babies get separation anxiety to an extent or have I screwed her up tending to her every time she cried. Feeling a little helpless atm. Thanks for reading