Would you?

Well, would you?

If not, what are your reasons why? I'm really curious

450 views โ€ข 8 upvotes โ€ข 17 comments



Posted at
How about I have a healthy relationship and still do the social network thing


Posted at
Your relationship isn't healthy if you need to do that & it probably won't solve your issues


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Dont have to and if I did I wouldnt be in the relationship. What gets me is joint FB accounts. They make me giggle so hard.


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I enjoy both a healthy relationship AND social networking. I can't figure out why you'd have to abandon one for the other.


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Or I can do exactly what I've been doing for 6 years and have both.


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Deactivated our fb accounts few months back. Our relationship couldn't be healthier.. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Posted at
Haven't had facebook ,instagram for about 5 months now , me and my fiance don't need it ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š


Posted at
Yes!!! We both decided to get rid of Facebook, Twitter, etc... because we were both more focused on it than each other. Best decision we could have made for our relationship. 


Posted at
Umm Would you give up having a job for a healthy relationship ? Or how about having a cell phone? Honestly you don't have to give up any of those to have a healthy relationship. Stopping each other from socializing with other people won't guarantee a healthy relationship, it either is going to or it isn't going to be a healthy relationship


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