Stupid question

Can you develop an allergy to a antibiotic you have used before and had no problem taking it?
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Yes! So how you develop an allergy have to be exposed to it first. The first time around you might not and probably will not have a reaction because your body doesn't have those histamines then the second time around you have the histamines and your body fights it knows what to do with it if that makes sense 


Bryanna💫🏹 • Sep 16, 2015
Look at the cup analogy Samantha said your body can only tolerate so much of it before the reaction starts


Jamie • Sep 16, 2015
thank you that does make sense. but even after talking many times before with no problem it just starts to give me a problem?


Posted at
My sister in law explained it to me this way. Most allergies have like a cup in your body, it could be a large cup or small cup. Once the cup fills, your body can't take anymore without having a reaction. Her son is allergic to tree nuts, he used to eat them but now gets very sick. He filled his fictional cup eating them before and now he can't fit anymore in the cup, so he gets sick. 


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As everyone else said, yes. I took penicillin as a kid then got an allergic reaction to it around age 10 or 12. Since that's a major antibiotic I started taking the next most popular called Sulfa and then developed an allergy to that.


Posted at
Yes! That happen to me. I took penicillin tons of times growing up and in my teenage years became allergic to it. Broke out in hives and had to go back to the doctor. Doctor said it's pretty common. Hope this helps ;-)


Nicole • Sep 16, 2015
Yup it was penicillin! It his happen to me in my teens and I'm now in my 30's. To this day I can not take that medication even though I took it many times as a child.


Jamie • Sep 16, 2015
it is penicillin.. I have taken it many times. but this time I took it at night woke up covered in a rash. I didn't think it was related kept taking it for 2 more days then stoped to see if it would go away a day now its starting to


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Yes its possible.


Jamie • Sep 16, 2015
thank you... then I'm not going crazy lol