Boys liking girls photos


Okay so this is doing my swede in and thought you lot would enjoy this topic. I’m seeing a lot of debates on twitter regarding boys liking girls photos, particularly on Instagram. For the sake of this argument I want to discuss selfies, no matter the context or what the person looks like or is wearing. Here’s a tweet I’ve seen arguing that it’s not acceptable for a boy to be liking a girls photo when he’s in a relationship, and it’s not okay for the girlfriend to be okay with that

People argue that it’s cheating, lacks respect, and humiliates the girlfriend

I on the other hand believe this is controlling and manipulative behaviour and is just another form of emotional abuse

Bonus question: would it be acceptable for a man to tell his partner she’s not allowed to like photos of other men? Or would that scenario be controlling? Does your answer change depending on what gender they are?