🚨Spotting on & off since 27 weeks🚨


Has anyone had this before?

It comes and goes, some days it’s brighter than others but I have not had it this bright since March 18th.

March 18th

March 16 was when it started and I called my ob because it was clear mucous with pink in it. He said that if it continued to come in Monday. Monday March 18th I went to the doctor and they checked my cervix, everything was good. Ultrasound, everything was good. It was very small amounts that continued here and there, then nothing last week. This week I’m 30 weeks. Yesterday there was a tiny hint of pink in my discharge but since I was cramping (it was actually braxton hicks but I didn’t know) I decided to call my ob and they said they wanted to see me. They put me on a monitor and everything is good, again. My cervix is good, again, but I have brighter and heavier spotting this morning.

They tested me for infections and I tested negative on everything except I did test positive for gardnerella.

I haven’t gotten a call from my ob yet, but do you ladies think I should see another OB for a second opinion??

And no, I haven’t had sex. I’ve had spotting from sex before so I know that’s normal, but I haven’t had any intercourse in 2 months.