Hemochromatosis and pregnancy?

Ella • Mama of Ganon Paul [due June '19] ❤ Lover of Eli W.

So, in September I was diagnosed with a genetic condition called hereditary hemochromatosis, which essentially means I can load and store too much iron in my blood. Eventually, this could mean organ damage and other issues.

I conceived my son (due June 29th) at the end of September, while taking precautions but, he's our little miracle. In October, we had our first prenatal appointment (early due to past miscarriages) and I explicitly told them about my condition.

Fast forward to last Monday, I asked about my disorder and how it would effect my delivery and he had no idea what I was talking about and then referred me to a high risk, maternal fetal medicine doctor.

Things to note: Baby has consistently been fine, anatomy scan looked perfect, his heart rate is great, and he's very active.

A few questions:

- Should I be angry that they overlooked my condition for almost 29 weeks?

- Has anyone ever had hemochromatosis and how was delivery?

- Would I be automatically considered high risk?