High risk at 1:85 and I’m 26yrs old

Ally • Pregnant with babygirl #3 💗 Due October

I had my Down syndrome test the other week at 12weeks 3days everything was great I thought... until we got a call from my midwife saying that my bloods were high and the nuchal fold on the baby was 2.8mm.

I didn’t want to get the CVS test done or the Amnio because of the risk of miscarriage so instead we got the NIPT (Non invasive Test) instead so have to wait for the results to come back.

Has anyone been in my shoes and had a 1.85 chance and then had the nipt or not even the nipt and everything was fine?

I’ve talked to some incredible mothers with children with Down syndrome and they are the most strongest women ever ❤️

No doubt about it we will keep this baby either way I’m just abit stressed over my results