3 month old vent


3.5 month old has been crying hardcore every time he is put down for naps and bedtime. This kid use to be a champion, put down and sleep in 5 minutes. Now it’s a cry fest that includes scream crying and after a week my previously deep well of zen is beginning to dry up.

It’s the scream part of the crying. I don’t really want him to cry it out, I don’t really think that’s good. But a week of this and I have had to put headphones in and play an audiobook loud enough to dampen (not block out completely) the crying and have had to set him down and give myself a few minutes of space between the noise and myself . Otherwise he is such a good baby.

This tired fussiness is probably a phase, a leap, etc but I just needed to get it off my chest. I hope to god this doesn’t last for long.

Yes we have a routine. It’s just not working anymore. Use to be for naps:

Play until yawning, eye rubbing. Then slowly dampen lights/noise, and usually he was rocked in my arms, carrier, or stroller until he drifted off. Usually a minute or two (6tops) of fussiness. During the day he isn’t in a swaddle just a blanket since I’m always around him.

Bedtime was bath, bottle, and he had been just drifting off during the bottle or my arms or his bed (it’s a pack n play next to my bed). I had been holding him most of the time because I selfishly wanted the cuddles 🤷‍♀️. He isn’t swaddled but in a sleep suit- he was breaking out of the swaddled.

I use white noise as well and sometimes reading when the white noise isn’t enough.

Once asleep at night he sleeps through it.

Has been since week 6 when I started him on the practically perfect baby schedule. It’s worked really well for us.