What to do???

Sonia • 👦5/23/10 🧑2/29/12 👶🏼5/20/19

So my MIL and my SIL for the longest kept telling me that the wanted to plan my baby shower just to make them happy I agreed. Well the baby shower is this Saturday and guess what!!!! They just made plans because they haven't bought shit!!! And tomorrow they have work and their Friday church meeting. So guess who is stuck doing the shopping! Guess who needs to make the desserts they promise. Guess who is buying all decor. Just guess who is 8 months pregnant and still working tomorrow oh plus still has to come home to sweep and mop for their reunion!!! Just fucking guess!?!?!?! I'm ready to not do shit for them and just let them be embarrass in their baby shower that MY family is not coming because my MIL and SIL are always rude to them!

So yeah I'm overwhelmed and to make matters worse I been having contractions all day!!!