7 week scare.. Should I change doctors??

So my husband and I went in yesterday for our 7 w 3 d appt and during ultrasound dr couldn't find heartbeat.. She we so nonchalant about it like I think the baby stopped growing at 6 w 6 days and I'm sorry but I can't find a heartbeat I'm gonna have u guys come back later today to get a better ultrasound done downstairs with a tech on a better machine to clarify there is no heartbeat?!?! We were absolutely devistated I cried for four hours waiting to come back in for second ultrasound at 1:00...thinking we had lost the baby.. We came back in at 1:00 and tech was asking all kinds of questions.. Any discharge, cramping, sharp pains.. I've had nothing.. So she  started ultrasound and immediately we saw the flicker!!!! My husband and I were both in tears!! Of joy!! Hb is 159.   
She said I look like I'm only 6w2d but nothing to be alarmed about everything else looks great.. So we went back to talk with my dr and she cont' being negative that the baby is growing slow and to be worried...after all that yesterday and the way she handled the situation I just feel that we need to find a new dr.. We just have a bad taste in our mouth over the whole thing...any thought would be greatly appreciated...:) thanks in advance!!