Autism Awareness Month (read full post)


Can you recognize when someone is autistic? Is what you think someone with ASD acts like, based on a stereotype? When you think of ASD, is the symptoms you think of based on on autistic friend, partner, or child? And for all of the CC users with ASD, what is something you like or wish you could change about how autism is viewed?

A: I have ASD.

B: I am well versed in ASD or have close people in my life with ASD.

C: I think I know what ASD looks like, but it's mostly based from TV shows/books/the internet.

D: I don't really know much about ASD / what I do know is based in Stereotypes.

E: I know nothing about ASD and I know no one who has it.

Happy ASD awareness mouth! I am autistic and wanted make a post this month to contribute to the discussion. I often feel like celebratory or awareness months end up bringing out the most supportive people of the subject, but also the most hateful people of the subject.

(this is NOT a call out post, or intended to say you are bad if you don't know what ASD can look like. Being ignorant is not shameful, only refusing to learn is. This is meant to bring introspection on how we view autism and create discussion)

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