If you feel off go to the ER


So the day before yesterday I posted about bad morning sickness well I was wrong. so yesterday I was feeling off too but no sickness my arm was tingling and I felt just off. I got to work and asked to leave I wanted to go to the ER. after a very long wait and a ultrasound (I got to see my nugget’s heartbeat) I found out my potassium was very very low and that I had a the baby had detached it’s self from my uterine wall just slightly on one side. now I am on bed rest for a couple days. I wanted to post this letting you know that even if you feel off in the tiniest bit call your doctor or go to the ER. the baby’s should be fine they said as long as I stay in bed for a few days and relax it should fix it’s self. it is scary to know if I didn’t get it checked out I may have lost my baby I am still scared but I am doing as told I am not risking anything.