Postpartum weight loss

vdm • HIE & NICU mama. Nail technician. Interracial family.

Hello, I’m 20 years old I had my baby 19 days ago. During my pregnancy I packed on 50lbs (5lbs each week from 34-37w) I was diagnosed preeclamptic while I was being induced. I’ve had mass swelling since 31w and now I’m finally starting to de puff 😂 but my swelling gets awful at night... I mean I can’t even bend my knees I’m so swollen 🤦🏻‍♀️

Within 19 days I’ve dropped 37lbs, I’m just watching what I eat with allowing my self an occasional treat here and there. I have 13lbs to loose before I’m back to my pre pregnancy weight, but I was wondering what would be the best route to continue loosing weight after I’m back to my pre pregnancy?

I was 168 when I got pregnant but I would like to get back into the 140s/ 130s.

Any tips and tricks? Thank you :)

Oh and I started walking yesterday, I would have liked to start sooner but I had an emergency c section and then I had a small infection so I’m now just getting back into walking lol