
I’m going to try and keep this short but, I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 8 years now. (Yes since we were 10 yrs old). 2 years ago he had to move across the country from me and we’ve been doing long distance ever since. (Including visits) Recently his mother had gone completely out of whack with me and decides she doesn’t want to support this kind of relationship anymore (meaning long distance) I’m no doctor, but this has happened multiple times before this last hiccup occurred and I think she possibly may be bi polar. My boyfriend and I are about fed up with this because last year around this same time, the same exact situation happened and we went 8 months without seeing each other. We’re 17 now, about to be 18 and the only way to make this relationship work is to have him “run away” or in other words pack his stuff and come live with me until we’re legal. We’ve done research about runaway laws and technically the law cannot force you back into your home unless you’re in danger if you’re 17 or older. My family is completely supportive of him living with us for a couple months until we can get a place of our own. Not only do I want him out of there because our relationship is at risk but his mental health is as well. It’s already completely damaging him living in that kind of environment. He’s conflicted because it’s really unfortunate having to choose between your family (whose not really treating you like a family member) or your girlfriend. We’re both at loss on what to do and need some serious advice. We’ll be 18 in December so it’s not something we want to wait out. Please help us in making the right decision for our relationship and his mental stability. -Thanks