One of a kind maternity shoot


So a little background. I got my BFA (bachelor of fine arts) in photography, and part of the degree requirements involve choosing an internship. I interned with a photographer who does both commercial digital photography as well as alternative processes, primarily wet plate collodion.

I ended up helping him out on shoots for about a year or so and we’ve stayed in contact. When he found out I was pregnant, he told me he’d be honored to do a shoot for me, which is what we ended up doing Saturday.

He shot both tintypes and ambrotypes in 4x5” and 8x10” of mostly me both also some of my husband and I (look up the wet plate collodion process, super cool to watch!). So incredibly thankful for the experience! These plates will be something we treasure forever, and a very unique way to document this pregnancy before our daughter arrives.

Here’s a digital from the same shoot, for fun. I’m 31w3d in these photos.