Elective induction?

At my appointment today, my nurse said at my next appointment (39 weeks) that I could talk to the doctor about having an elective induction done. She said they consider doing them as long as mom-to-be is 39 weeks +. The only reason the conversation even came up is because my husband is starting a new job on 10/5, my due date is 9/30, and I had asked if she thought the baby might come before he has to start the new job. Baby has consistently been measuring ahead. I had a growth scan today and baby is measuring 80th percentile for size. The nurse felt that risks are pretty low given how healthy baby is, and how healthy my pregnancy has been. I know there's a lot to consider when making a decision like this. Even practically, I would have to make sure my insurance would cover an elective induction. Anybody had an elective induction? Or thoughts on this?