Do you find it to be tacky to give a gift from your business when you work for an MLM?



By MLM I mean “businesses” like scentsy, itworks, lipsense, Matilda Jane, etc...

I was at a shower where a lady (who is well known for working for itworks) gave the bride to be supplements, wraps, and a powder for weight loss. Some of the women around me were making remarks at how it was an uncalled for, rude gift and how it is rude to give gifts from a company you work for.

What are your thoughts?

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Posted at
I think it’s worse she gave a bride weight loss shit 😬


Ch • Apr 15, 2019
Ikr, like "better fit into your wedding dress" 😉 so rude

🎀 𝒯 𝓇 𝒾 𝓃 𝒾 𝓉 𝓎 🎀 • Apr 15, 2019
I’d honestly probably have cried if someone did that to me. That’s the meanest thing you can give someone as a gift, really.


Ca • Apr 15, 2019
Wasn’t excited about it**


Posted at
Mlm isn't a business, it's a mistake and no one wants your fucking fit wraps and dildos Karen 😂😂 your Co worker needs to get the fuck out of that pyramid scheme and save herself


Ca • Apr 15, 2019
Yeah that’s why business is in quotes lol


Posted at
I think it's tacky to give weight loss supplements as a gift no matter what - especially a wedding present wtf. I also think it's tacky to work for a pyramid scheme but if you work for one and they sell cool products like cosmetics or home stuff then I don't see the issue. In most cases you still have to pay for it or at least take the profit loss. Not gonna lie if someone from that Dead Sea salt company wanted to gift me some BB cream I'd be ecstatic. Best foundation I've ever had.


Posted at
It depends the circumstances. Is the bring a regular customer and this is what she normally orders? If so then it’s useful for the bride. Or she may have expressed interest. But if neither of those two happened and the MLM distributer is trying to self promote then yes I think it’s tacky. Not the time or place to promote your “business”


Posted at
I feel like it’s is not thoughtful unless you know that person loves the product. To me it seems last minute and a push to try their products to later get profit from


Posted at
😂 as soon as I started reading this I said to myself ‘it must be an itworks seller’ every person I’ve met or know who sells that shit is soo tacky and annoying as hell. So not surprised about this at all. If it were me, I would have given the ‘gifts’ back. Thanks but no thanks


M. • Apr 16, 2019
I should clarify we’re not ‘friends’ just fb friends haha


M. • Apr 16, 2019
😂😂 it’s crazy! I’m friends with this girl who sells itworks and she photoshops ALL her progress pictures. She even photoshopped abs on her. Not even joking. So many people called her out it was hilarious. And she claims that she makes $5k a month. Riiight


chellemama • Apr 15, 2019
“Thrive” is the new one. I new a girl promoting It works and she switched to thrive and was like “I’m sick of promoting a product that doesn’t even work so I’m switching to thrive” like GIRL you’ve just been promoting it works for 5 years and now you expect people to believe your new MLM company works!? 🤣


Posted at
God, I fucking hate MLMs and all the morons who shill that garbage. Nobody wants your overpriced detox tea, Karen. I don’t care what it was, if someone gave me an MLM gift as a present, I’d be pissed. No one in the world is more annoying than an MLM lady. I’d literally rather have a Jehovah’s Witness knock on my door every day for a year than listen to one more hun talk about their “great business opportunity” or try to peddle me their overpriced crap.


Posted at
I wouldn’t be thrilled about weight loss powder no matter where you work at. But I agree, it seems kind of like self promotion 😬 BUT if you work at Tiffany’s feel free to get me all the stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
Weight loss products are a bad gift, whether you work for the company or not.In general, I dont think it's tacky to gift items you normally sell. A lot of women that sell baked goods, or knit quilts, or make jewelry gift them to friends and family because that's what they're good at!


Ca • Apr 15, 2019
I’m not talking about true handmade gifts, just the MLM schemes


Posted at
I think it is. My aunt used to work for Mary Kay and all I got for all holidays during that period was makeup from MK. instead of a birthday party one year, she threw me one of those Mary Kay parties where you get discounts on all of the products and everybody gives each other makeovers. People ended up buying stuff from her and she ended up making money off of my birthday party 🙄😂. I wasn’t actually mad, but I did think it was kinda tacky.


B • Apr 16, 2019
I respect that she had the nerve to hustle even though it would be annoying to me. I would never have the balls to do that


Kate • Apr 16, 2019
There was definitely no shame in her game! She ended up leaving the company a few months later because, surprise surprise, she wasn’t making any money 😂


B • Apr 15, 2019
Lol damn she dgaf that's tacky as hell