Complete confusion and worry?!

Hello, I found out I had a missed miscarriage four weeks ago. I took the tabs 3 weeks 3 days ago and they didn’t work fully so I had a d&c two weeks ago. Been a long long road. So my worry is...I just landed in Spain and began to bleed like a period, I rang the hospital at home and they said it could not be my period so early. So I just wanted to ask what people’s thoughts are on this...I will give some information in the lead up to this which I’m confused about...

I was feeling very lonely and got carried away with the husband 10 days after the d&c and had sex, unprotected, stupid I know but wanted to feel close to him. I also just went on a plane today. I also ovulated Thursday and Friday according to ovulation tests and got a negative pregnancy test Thursday during my check up with doc.

I guess I’m wondering why I’m bleeding, is it from the op again out of nowhere, or the unprotected sex, or an infection, or the plane, or ovulation...any experiences or insights would help. I’m just up in a heap completely. A week in Spain now all over the place with worry. Thank you anyone who can help !!!!