Loss #2 in progress


Found out about 2 weeks ago that I was expecting my rainbow baby. I had an ectopic pregnancy in March of 18. It took me 16 cycles to get pregnant again. Well yesterday I started spotting very light brown at first. Then about mid day my uterus got real heavy and when I went to the bathroom again I was bleeding and passing clots. I went to the er and they said my hcg was only at 54. I go in to see my ob for a follow up appointment tomorrow. This is really hard I was so excited I told everyone cause I was so excited and just knew I wasn't going to lose this baby. Now I have to go through the process of telling everyone I lost it. It isn't fair. I changed my whole diet,started taking metformin, used opks,preseed,propped my hips up etc. I dont know that I can even be happy if I end up pregnant again soon I will just be scared.