He thought I was cheating with him


Okay so me, my man, and 3 of our mutual friends went to my man’s house for a weekend to just party and housesit. We have a good time we smoke and drink and do the whole thing and it was super fun. Apparently it was a little too fun for me and I got much more loaded than intended. I ended up falling asleep on the couch with my head on our friend’s shoulder as me him and one other friend were watching Netflix downstairs after my boyfriend fell asleep upstairs. I didn’t think anything of it and when I woke up with my head on our friends shoulder I kinda just looked up like

And he’s looking at me like

So I just kept up and drunkenly say “good night” to both of them because our other friend was on the chair next to us the whole time I stumble my way up the stairs and crawl into bed with my man happy af to be cuddling him like

When we wake up the next morning I tell my man about what happened because I have nothing to hide and we have a good laugh about it and just go about our morning and day but then we both notice that our friend is completely avoiding eye contact and avoiding speaking to either of us. He doesn’t realize that my boyfriend knows about me falling asleep on his shoulder and thinks it’s a giant secret and he did something wrong. So my boyfriend decides to have a little fun with him

He walks up to him all tough once we all get back and looks down at him as tough as he can (my boyfriend is 6’3” and our friend is 5’1”) and says “so you wanna tell me what you were doing with my girlfriend last night?” And our friend looks up at him like a deer in the headlights and just as he looks like he’s about to cry and stutters out “no dude I swear I didn’t do anything I swear! It’s not what it looked like!” My boyfriend just cracks the biggest smile and laughs at him and goes “dude it’s chill I’m just messing with you she told me everything, thank you for just letting her sleep it off since she was wasted”

Not a super eventful end of the story but it was funny as FUCK to watch unfold in person

Our aesthetic af friend (he’s single ladies get at em”

And then my sexy ass man (not single but please feel free to admire his amazing face I do it daily)

Us together Halloween