Ugh, Men. 🤬


So, I moved back to NY and ended up reconnecting with this guy I use to like way before I had moved out of state. we didn’t work out because he was focused on other things instead of me. Long story short, we finally decided to hang out so, When we met up we were driving to different places and during the whole car ride, he took my hand, kissed it and held on to it for the whole time we were talking:

Him: This is so weird to me.

Me: What’s weird? Haha

Him: They way how we reconnected again. Like, the minute I started thinking about you, your message popped up on Snapchat. I was sooo shocked.

Me: I laughed and said, yeah. I figured I’d hit you up.

Him: it’s crazy because, I missed you so much.

Me: No the f’ck you didn’t 😂 you never even tried to hmu. ( hit me up)

Him: *Laughs* you had me blocked on everything. 🙄

Me: Um, negative. If you were blocked on everything I wouldn’t have been able to just search your name and message you. I’d have to add you back. Try again. 🙄

Him: Aigh but, you could’ve hmu too.

*I laughed because girl, he was f’cken right.*

Him: But fr, it’s like every time I FaceTime you and I’m around my bros, they always like “yooo, who is that? She cute asl” and I gotta tell them that you’re mine.

Me: Woah, but I’m not.

Him: Yes you are babe, you left me once so, I ain’t gon let you go again. Every time I look at you, I can’t stop smiling.

Me: Well, I only moved back to NY for a year, I’m moving again.

Him: So, I’m going with you. Where you moving to?

After I told him where I was moving too he was suggesting other places for us to move to. Everything was soo cute. Though, I was still cautious and didn’t wanna fully believe anything he was saying, I still saw a little hope for us because the way he was acting now was NEVER how he use to act back then. I categorized him as a fuck boy back then. When I met him, he was 23. He’s 25 now. I’m 21. But here’s where I start to pull away...

So, we went to a hotel, smoked about 3 blunts and had sex twice. After sex, he was still acting cute. We switched to a movie and then he pulled me close to him and cuddled me and whispered, “you so sexy babe.” 🙄 and kissed my neck. After a while, him and I ended up falling asleep. When we finally woke up, we drove to ihop and picked up the food and drove back home. On our way back home, he was saying how he wants to take me out and then proceeded to ask, “Wanna go out to eat or to the movies?” And I said the movies because I wanted to see “Us.” So, then he was like “Aigh Bet, I wanna see that movie with the clones.” I laughed and said “us, yeah me too.” So, it was set and planned to go to the movies the next day. He also said that he wants to take me on a Cruze next month and I was like betttt, I’m wit it. 😂🙏🏽 So anyways,

The next day comes along and girl...THIS NIGGA NEVER TEXTED ME!! So, I take a screenshot of the showtimes because I deadass wanted to go see that movie with HIM and sent it to him saying “if you still tryna go.” He never answered. And then I remembered he asked me what his name on my phone was and for some reason, I never got to tell him so, I took a screenshot of it and said “🙄❌” this is your name on my phone. He texted back saying :

Him: Wassup babe?

Me: I disliked his message (iPhone users, you know what I’m talking about ) so he sent another message and said

Him: Why is that my name in your phone lol

Me: Because I know not to fall for you or trust you. 😂

Him: We’re gonna go to the movies babe, I’m just in Jersey right now. 🙄😐

I said okay. NEVER CAME OR EVEN TEXTED ME. ( even though that’s why I stayed cautious but damn. 😐)

I texted him this morning saying, “Delete my number. I’m not wasting time on you.” He hasn’t answered yet and probably won’t. 🤷🏽‍♀️

FUCK MEN UNTIL ONE SHOWS ME SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I’m good though y’all, I just needed to vent. 😂

Update :