Late please help

I’m 6 days late today and usually always regular. I’ve just had sex with Condoms but one time I had to pull it out of me last month during fertile time but he’s over 50 had a vasectomy and Im pretty sure it stayed in condom, so don’t think I’m pregnant but hurt weird cuz I’m always like clockwork but I have been fasting a lot exercising and not eating much or eating is irregular and i think I might have lost some weight and been stressed so that could be why just haven’t had this Scenario before.

My question I please need help with is I’m out a car and stuck at home far from a store right now so was gonna take a test to get peace of mind but trying to figure out how.

Was thinking like a delivery like amazon I could have it sent over? What would you recommend have you ever had a pregnancy and other things delivered to you? Was thinking I could get herbs at same time to make sure my hormones ok..maybe some bath stuff to help me relax a lil 😉