Wake Me Up From This Nightmare...


I can’t believe I’m typing this right now... my family needs a lot of prayers.

Our beautiful rainbow baby has gone to be with Jesus...

Today we went in to our appointment ready to hear our baby’s heartbeat and instead were met with sadness, pain, and heartbreak that I can’t even begin to put into words... our little baby’s heart stopped beating... we are completely devastated and need time to heal...

This is my 4th miscarriage... second with my husband.. I can’t help but ask myself why? Why was my baby taken from me? How was everything so perfect two weeks ago and today just gone.. what have I possibly done to deserve this?? Is there something I could have done? Is it our fault? Why must I go through this agonizing heartbreak so many times? Is God angry with me? Just why 😭😭

Our angel baby 👼🏻