20 week anatomy scan vent

Ash • Mommy to Sterling 10 October 16 Jensen 25 August 19

So today I had my 20 weeks anatomy scan today and I’m still hours later still frustrated with the tech that did it. I thought she was incredibly rude and unprofessional. So let me start by saying I’m fully aware they aren’t allowed to tell me if they see anything the doctor has to be the one to tell me if anything is wrong and I know that. Secondly I know that top priority of this appointment is to get all the measurements and look at all the organs and such.

Well we get there and she’s just not talking. I ask questions try and talk to her crack a joke or two anything to get her to be more open and make this experience fun and not awkward. She’s silent literally tells me nothing. If it wasn’t for me reading the screen I’d have no idea what was what on the ultrasound. Also baby wouldn’t cooperate which I get can be annoying but it comes with the territory of the job I’m sure. She made me take breaks and do squats and jumping jacks THREE times to try and get baby to move so she could see his spine. By the end I was out of breathe and felt more like a workout session then an ultrasound. Also luckily me and my husband went to an outside source and found out the gender early by ultrasound but she didn’t know that! Literally the end of the scan I asked her, so is it a boy? (I wanted to confirm it was still a boy) she’s like oh yea i saw boy parts. Like really?! What if this was my first time finding out! No ultrasound of the boy parts, no showing us on the ultrasound nothing?! I was pissed because most of us women only get two ultrasounds a pregnancy (the initial dating scan, and the 20 week) the only time you usually get more is if you go to an outside facility or at the end if something was wrong and they need to followup. I’m just so so frustrated because women like myself really really look forward to this experience. I’d been looking forward to it for weeks and feel like I got totally jipped! Oh and the final straw for me was she literally looked at her watch 5 TIMES! Like seriously?! And I keeping you from something?! I’m still just so frustrated. I have another ultrasound next week because baby wouldn’t turn for her so I’m hoping so bad I get a different tech and can maybe have a better experience this time. Sorry for the novel of a post but I was just so so angry I needed to let it out.