She’s here 💓💓

Ashley • Mommy.Girlfriend.Happy Life 💕

After having horrible lower back pain and cramping since lastnight my doctor told me to head into L&D this morning just to make sure everything’s okay. This was around 10:00a. I was checked and was only at 4cm and 80%effaced. My doctor told nurses just have me walk around for one hour so my one hour was up at 12:00pm. My doctor had admitted me in by then. This whole time my doctor was in her doctors office so Nursers and labor doctor on call were helping communicating with my doctor so around I wanna day 1:30pm, my doctor said to just break my water and start me slowly on pitocin. After this I began to have the worst pain ever! Contractions started getting worse! I want to say around 2:30pm, I asked for epidural, as I’m waiting for the guy to come my nursery sits me up and prepares me to get, as I’m waiting I’m getting more and more pain, the guy comes in starts setting up, he cleans my back and is about to start putting in the needle I tell the nurse I have to push like I have too! I couldn’t hold it in the guy stopped and I pushed the nurse and layed back and started screaming and pushing, in 3 pushes I had her out on my own with no help & no epidural. All I remeber is opening my eyes and seeing 30 nurses around me and the doctor running in & my baby on me. I was like wtf did I just do! Lmao. Such a crazy experience but so happy she’s here healthy & im perfectly fine! I was 36 weeks & 5 days. She was originally due May 9,2019. But made her way today 04/16/19 5lbs 13oz 18inches 2:47pm. 💓💓💓💓